


Feature #1540

Child tickets not visible in roadmap

Added by Mathias Buder almost 7 years ago. Updated almost 7 years ago.

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We use redmine in out company and host all our work items with it (software, hardware as well as mechanical designes). Each of this work item needs its own version to have tickets linked to it. So the Advanced roadmap plugin was just what I was looking for to have multiple versions grouped into one milestone. Perfect!

We use a parent-child ticket structure like:

Open Point 1
- Task 1
- Task 2
- Task 3

The Open Point is a general item to collect all information about a topic and groupe necessary task for it. The OP shall NOT be linked to a version or/and milestone but to an effected version if required.

Now if I link a task to a target version (which will then link to a milestone automatically) I don't see them listed up in the roadmap but I can still see that they have been linked to the verion (tickets under the versions progress bar).
If I link the parent OP to that version too then I can see both (OP and Task).

I've tried this with the default roadmap and didn't see any issue here.



Updated by Mathias Buder almost 7 years ago

Here you can see that two tickets have been assined to this version but none of them is listed up below.


Updated by Mathias Buder almost 7 years ago

In case I link the parent OP to this version those two get listed up below then.


Updated by Emilio González Montaña almost 7 years ago

  • Redmine version deleted (Redmine 3.3.1)
  • Detected on version deleted (Advanced roadmap 0.12.0)
  • Source deleted (Customer)
  • Tracker changed from Error to Feature

Hi, the plugin expects all issues to be under the target version... that's the way the plugin was designed.

If your company is interested in develop this feature Patreon support could be an option (or direct PayPal transfer).

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