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Jess Nielsen

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  • Registered on: 2015-07-24
  • Last connection: 2015-08-17


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 4 5



22:06 Scrum Defect #1052: Tasks not problerly displayed on sprit board - some tasks are displayed as tasks and backlog items
you are right, it is now fixed Jess Nielsen


09:43 Scrum User story #1058 (New): Rendering of scrum board is slow when many tasks
The rendering of the sprint board is pretty slow when many tasks are put into the sprint.
It is very annoying.
Jess Nielsen


15:42 Scrum User story #1054 (Rejected): Copy start date and due date from sprint to task
Start date and due date should be copied into the issues (tasks and user stories) from the sprint they are added.
Jess Nielsen


13:31 Scrum Defect #1052: Tasks not problerly displayed on sprit board - some tasks are displayed as tasks and backlog items
Jess Nielsen escribió:
> Priority: High! or Urgent!
Priority: Urgent!
Jess Nielsen
13:29 Scrum Defect #1052: Tasks not problerly displayed on sprit board - some tasks are displayed as tasks and backlog items
Priority: High! or Urgent! Jess Nielsen
13:14 Scrum Defect #1052 (Rejected): Tasks not problerly displayed on sprit board - some tasks are displayed as tasks and backlog items
I have created two sprints...
The first sprint looks fine while the second sprint that
is planned to go after th...
Jess Nielsen
13:30 Scrum User story #1053: Support for user stories that goes beyond the timespan of a sprint
Priority: High! Jess Nielsen
13:18 Scrum User story #1053 (Rejected): Support for user stories that goes beyond the timespan of a sprint
I would like support for user stories that goes
beyond the timespan of a sprint.
This means that a user story ca...
Jess Nielsen
13:10 Scrum User story #1051 (Rejected): Inherit product backlogs and sprints to subprojects
It have a project hierarchy that looks in the following way:
Group Project
+ Project A
+ Project B
The group ...
Jess Nielsen

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