


URGENT: Bug with issue history and updates

Added by Orlando Kelly over 12 years ago

We are using the advanced roadmap plugin on our project and we are experiencing issues with the updates of comments, issue history etc. This is not being displayed for our users apart for the administrators.
Looking at the releases, this bug seems to be fixed in the roadmap version 0.6.1,

But I can't find the download for this udpate.

Can someone help ASAP. This is causing a big impact to the project. I tried to remove the plugin but was unsuccesful.

Thanks in advance


Replies (2)

RE: URGENT: Bug with issue history and updates - Added by Orlando Kelly over 12 years ago

Can anyone help me with this. I desperatley need the 0.6.1 fix.

RE: URGENT: Bug with issue history and updates - Added by Emilio González Montaña over 12 years ago

Orlando Kelly escribió:

But I can't find the download for this udpate.

Done, you can find the 0.6.1 version on Files tab.
