


Feature #419

German translation

Added by Matthias Neubert about 14 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

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I just saw your fix about german translation.

current version:

label_estimated_speed: "Geschätzte Geschwindigkeit" 
label_f_day: "{{value}} Tag"
label_f_day_plural: "{{value}} Tage"
label_f_week: "{{value}} Woche"
label_f_week_plural: "{{value}} Wochen"
label_milestone: "Milenstein"
label_milestone_new: "Neuer Meilenstein"
label_milestone_plural: "Milensteine"
label_setting_color_bad: "Bad Drehzahlverhältnis Farbe"
label_setting_color_good: "Gute Drehzahlverhältnis Farbe"
label_setting_color_very_bad: "Sehr schlecht Drehzahlverhältnis Farbe"
label_setting_parallel_effort_custom_field: "Parallel Aufwand benutzerdefiniertes Feld"
label_setting_ratio_bad: "Bad Drehzahlverhältnis"
label_setting_ratio_good: "Gute Drehzahlverhältnis"
label_setting_ratio_very_bad: "Sehr schlecht Drehzahlverhältnis"
label_setting_solved_issues_to_estimate: "Gelöste Fragen zu schätzen"
notice_unable_delete_milestone: "Milenstein konnte nicht entfernt werden."
permission_manage_milestones: "Meilensteine verwalten"

I would suggest following improvements:

label_estimated_speed: "Geschätzte Geschwindigkeit" 
label_f_day: "{{value}} Tag"
label_f_day_plural: "{{value}} Tage"
label_f_week: "{{value}} Woche"
label_f_week_plural: "{{value}} Wochen"
label_milestone: "Meilenstein"
label_milestone_new: "Neuer Meilenstein"
label_milestone_plural: "Meilensteine"
notice_unable_delete_milestone: "Meilenstein konnte nicht entfernt werden."
permission_manage_milestones: "Meilensteine verwalten"

the following i don't understand, I guess because I don't know the context and what you want to say:

-> the word Drehzahlverhältnis doesn't realy make sense in this context.
You want to mention a ratio (=Verhältnis) but Drehzahl means Rotations per minute (like in cars)
I found the english translation taking "speed ratio" -> this would be Geschwindigkeitsverhältnis in german, but I still would not know what you mean.
Could you please explain what that means?
Currently I assume you might mean "efford" which is "Aufwand" in german. Hence: Aufwandsverhältnis

label_setting_color_bad: "Farbe für schlechtes Aufwandsverhältnis" 
label_setting_color_good: "Farbe für gutes Aufwandsverhältnis"
label_setting_color_very_bad: "Farbe für sehr schlechtes Aufwandsverhältnis"
label_setting_ratio_bad: "Schlechtes Aufwandsverhältnis"
label_setting_ratio_good: "Gutes Aufwandsverhältnis"
label_setting_ratio_very_bad: "Sehr schlechtes Aufwandsverhältnis"

Here I need more context, to translate it proper:

label_setting_parallel_effort_custom_field: "Paralleler Aufwand benutzerdefiniertes Feld"

I guess for this I also need the context, but if you mean "solved issues for which the user shall enter time estimations" it would be:
label_setting_solved_issues_to_estimate: "Zu schätzende gelöste Tickets"

Redmine it self translates issues with "Ticket"

I'd like to discuss here about the open issues.

regards Matthias


Updated by Emilio González Montaña about 14 years ago

Sorry, I used Google translator ;)

I'll try to awnser you:
  • The ratio: this is a speed ratio, the division of the current progress by the real progress.
  • label_setting_parallel_effort_custom_field this label is for the plugin setting (take a look at plugin configuration page for context), this setting asks for the name of the version custom field used for look for the version parallel effort value.

After resolving problems, please attach a file with the tranlations (remember edit the file with UTF-8 character encoding).


Updated by Matthias Neubert about 14 years ago


btw: translation missing: de, advanced_report_title
-> it might be Bericht, or "Erweiterter Bericht" or something more concrete

speed ratio, the division of the current progress by the real progress.
-> what is the difference between current progress and real progress?

label_setting_parallel_effort_custom_field="Benutzerdefiniertes Feld für parallelen Aufwand"

but btw.: what is parallel effort?



Updated by Emilio González Montaña about 14 years ago

Parallel efort examples:
  • 1 person working on the version, parallel effort = 1.0
  • 3 people working on the version, parallel effort = 3.0
  • 1 person working 50% on the version, parallel effort = 0.5
  • ...

Updated by Emilio González Montaña about 14 years ago

  • Target version deleted (Advanced roadmap 0.3.1)
  • Start date deleted (2011-02-21)

Updated by Matthias Neubert about 14 years ago

you forgot:
speed ratio, the division of the current progress by the real progress.
-> what is the difference between current progress and real progress?

what fields of the issue are used to calculate this?


Updated by Emilio González Montaña about 14 years ago

This is calculated taking into consideration: estimation, % and time spent.

Example: estimtion = 8h, % = 50%, time spent = 2h, the speed is 200%.

Example: estimation = 5h, % = 20%, time spent = 2h, the speed is 50%.


Updated by Matthias Neubert about 14 years ago


since this speed ratio seems to be an artifitial word its realy hard to find a german word for it.
It may be the best to "translate" it with "Speed Ratio". I keep on searching about this. Please wait some days and I will collect the complete
translation file for you.

Btw.: if other germans read this, please feel free to comment on this, may be we will find a good translation together.


Updated by Michael Ernst over 13 years ago

Depending on the english labels i came up with the following translations

  label_click_to_enlarge_reduce: "Klicken zum Vergrößern/Verkleinern" 
  label_estimated_speed: "Geschätzte Geschwindigkeit" 
  label_f_day: "%{value} Tag" 
  label_f_day_plural: "%{value} Tage" 
  label_f_week: "%{value} Woche" 
  label_f_week_plural: "%{value} Wochen" 
  label_milestone: "Meilenstein" 
  label_milestone_new: "Neuer Meilenstein" 
  label_milestone_plural: "Meilensteine" 
  label_setting_color_bad: "Farbe für schlechtes Geschwindigkeitsverhältnis" 
  label_setting_color_good: "Farbe für gutes Geschwindigkeitsverhältnis" 
  label_setting_color_very_bad: "Farbe für sehr schlechtes Geschwindigkeitsverhältnis" 
  label_setting_parallel_effort_custom_field: "Benutzerdefiniertes Feld für parallelen Aufwand" 
  label_setting_ratio_bad: "Schlechtes Geschwindigkeitsverhältnis" 
  label_setting_ratio_good: "Gutes Geschwindigkeitsverhältnis" 
  label_setting_ratio_very_bad: "Sehr schlechtes Geschwindigkeitsverhältnis" 
  label_setting_solved_issues_to_estimate: "Zur Schätzung verwendete gelöste Tickets" 
  notice_unable_delete_milestone: "Meilenstein konnte nicht entfernt werden." 
  permission_manage_milestones: "Meilensteine verwalten" 
  permission_view_issue_estimated_hours: "Zeige geschätzen Aufwand" 

Hope it helps :)


Updated by Michael Ernst over 13 years ago

I think my post just vanished ;). So here the translations i came up with:

  label_click_to_enlarge_reduce: "Klicken zum Vergrößern/Verkleinern" 
  label_estimated_speed: "Geschätzte Geschwindigkeit" 
  label_f_day: "%{value} Tag" 
  label_f_day_plural: "%{value} Tage" 
  label_f_week: "%{value} Woche" 
  label_f_week_plural: "%{value} Wochen" 
  label_milestone: "Meilenstein" 
  label_milestone_new: "Neuer Meilenstein" 
  label_milestone_plural: "Meilensteine" 
  label_setting_color_bad: "Farbe für schlechtes Geschwindigkeitsverhältnis" 
  label_setting_color_good: "Farbe für gutes Geschwindigkeitsverhältnis" 
  label_setting_color_very_bad: "Farbe für sehr schlechtes Geschwindigkeitsverhältnis" 
  label_setting_parallel_effort_custom_field: "Benutzerdefiniertes Feld für parallelen Aufwand" 
  label_setting_ratio_bad: "Schlechtes Geschwindigkeitsverhältnis" 
  label_setting_ratio_good: "Gutes Geschwindigkeitsverhältnis" 
  label_setting_ratio_very_bad: "Sehr schlechtes Geschwindigkeitsverhältnis" 
  label_setting_solved_issues_to_estimate: "Zur Schätzung verwendete gelöste Tickets" 
  notice_unable_delete_milestone: "Meilenstein konnte nicht entfernt werden." 
  permission_manage_milestones: "Meilensteine verwalten" 
  permission_view_issue_estimated_hours: "Zeige geschätzen Aufwand" 

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