

Christian Luginbühl


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 3 1 4



17:59 Scrum Defect #1158: [PATCH] Sprint update of PBI does not update children
Another problem showed up: When there are closed Tasks and the PBI is moved, the PBI is saved twice and results in a ... Christian Luginbühl


18:36 Scrum Defect #1159 (New): [PATCH] position attribute isn't calculated correctly
When using the "move to top" button in the Product backlog overview, one can generate a zero or even negative positio... Christian Luginbühl


17:17 Scrum Defect #1158: [PATCH] Sprint update of PBI does not update children
I did see an issue with the Issue#update_parent_attributes after_save filter when moving PBIs in the burndown list. I... Christian Luginbühl


22:25 Scrum Defect #1158 (New): [PATCH] Sprint update of PBI does not update children
When updating the Sprint in a PBI, its children (i.e. Tasks) are not updated. This behaviour is also different to the... Christian Luginbühl


17:09 Scrum Defect #1157 (Resolved): Tooltips in burndown chart hidden behind SVG image
The tooltips on the burndown chart are hidden behind the SVG image (at least in Firefox 45.0.2).
Expected behaviou...
Christian Luginbühl


00:11 Scrum Defect #1146 (New): :include in IssueQuery should AFAIK be an array not a hash
This is a bit of a strange bug report, because I couldn't really detect the root cause of this error.
When running...
Christian Luginbühl

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