To do #1284
Improvment proposal to optimise rendering of the sprint board
The sprint board can be very slow on rendering here's a naive and easy proposal based on this article
Update the view app/views/sprints/show.html.erb by adding a 'cache' markup
<%= render :partial => 'post_its/sprint_board/head', :locals => {:project => @project, :sprint => @sprint, :path => method(:sprint_path)} %> <%- sprint_board_id = 'sprint_board' -%> <% cache [ "v4", @sprint ] do %> <table class="sprint-board"> <thead class="sprint-board"> <tr class="sprint-board">
:method => 'GET', :class => 'icon icon-add' %> </span> <%- end -%> </div> <%- end -%> <%= render :partial => 'sprints/show', :formats => [:js], :locals => {:sprint => @sprint, :sprint_board_id => sprint_board_id} %>then update the IssuePatch model by adding
- :touch => true
- before_save :touch_sprint
module Scrum module IssuePatch def self.included(base) base.class_eval do belongs_to :sprint, :touch => true has_many :pending_efforts, -> { order('date ASC') } acts_as_list :scope => :sprint safe_attributes :sprint_id, :if => lambda { |issue, user| user.allowed_to?(:edit_issues, issue.project) } before_save :update_position, :if => lambda { |issue| issue.project.scrum? and issue.sprint_id_changed? and issue.is_pbi? } before_save :update_pending_effort, :if => lambda { |issue| issue.project.scrum? and issue.status_id_changed? and issue.is_task? } before_save :update_assigned_to, :if => lambda { |issue| issue.project.scrum? and issue.status_id_changed? and issue.is_task? } before_save :update_parent_pbi, :if => lambda { |issue| issue.project.scrum? and Scrum::Setting.auto_update_pbi_status and (issue.status_id_changed? or issue.new_record?) and issue.is_task? and !issue.parent_id.nil? } before_save :touch_sprint, :if => lambda { |issue| issue.project.scrum? }
here's the touch_sprint implementation
def touch_sprint if sprint sprint.touch! end if (old_sprint = Sprint.find_by_id(sprint_id_was)) old_sprint.touch! end end
create a new lib/scrum/time_entry_patch.rb file
require_dependency 'time_entry' module Scrum module TimeEntryPatch def self.included(base) base.class_eval do before_save :touch_issue, :if => lambda { |issue| issue.project.scrum? } private def touch_issue if issue issue.touch! end end end end end end
and update the init.rb file by adding the new patch
Query.send(:include, Scrum::QueryPatch) Tracker.send(:include, Scrum::TrackerPatch) User.send(:include, Scrum::UserPatch) TimeEntry.send(:include, Scrum::TimeEntryPatch)
Updated by Angelinsky7 Angelinsky7 about 8 years ago
I know this is not the best way to do it, but like that navigating in the sprint board is now good.
everytime something change (for now, an issue, a time track or the sprint), everything is recache...
This could be improved by caching with more granularity (sprint -> pbi_row -> task)... (but need someone with a lot more knowing of ruby than me)
this is no 100% perfect, i found that sometime, a "parent" object is not touch (for whatever reason)
Hope that could help someone or this amazing project.
related to #1160
Updated by Angelinsky7 Angelinsky7 about 8 years ago
i made a mistake when copy/paste...
the <% end %> tag is just behind the end of the table tag
<tbody id="<%= sprint_board_id %>" class="sprint-board"> <%- @sprint.pbis.each do |pbi| -%> <%= render :partial => 'post_its/sprint_board/pbi_row', :formats => [:html], :locals => {:project => @project, :sprint_board_id => sprint_board_id, :pbi => pbi, :task_statuses => task_statuses} %> <%- end -%> </tbody> </table> <% end %> <%- if User.current.allowed_to?(:add_issues, @project) and User.current.allowed_to?(:edit_sprint_board, @project) and -%> <div>
Updated by Angelinsky7 Angelinsky7 about 8 years ago
- File scrum_16_2.patch scrum_16_2.patch added
here's a patch file against 16_2 for this
Updated by Angelinsky7 Angelinsky7 about 8 years ago
- File scrum_cache_16_2.patch scrum_cache_16_2.patch added
rewrite some of it (and added more layer)
now the cache is on
- sprint table
- pbi_row (by status)
- task (each post-it)
it's working well, and each time a task is changed only the parent pbi row is rerendered...
here's the patch file