A ton of new features finally available:
- Redmine 3.4.X series support.
- Help dialogs all over the plugin views (Sprint board, Product backlog, Scrum stats, plugin & project settings...).
- Support for multi-project Scrum teams:
- Sprints/PBs can be shared along child projects.
- Burndowns (Sprint & PB) with one serie per project.
- Post-its shows project name if they are from child projects.
- Filter Sprint board & PB by child project (to only render PBIs of that project).
- Project & sprint stats table on Sprints & PB views.
- Pending SPs for PBIs & new burndown by SPs calculation (new settings + permission).
- Close PBIs when all tasks are closed (new setting).
- Bug fixing.
After updating the plugin, take a deep look to plugin settings & permissions.
If you want this version, you can:
- Download it from Files tab: scrum-v0.18.0.tar.gz.
- Clone my GIT repo (only for Patreon supporters, now only with 5$ tier!).
For further details about this version, take a look to Scrum v0.18.0.
If you want this plugin to be open source & free, please consider support it via:
Thanks in advance :)
Hi all,
It's been a long time since the first version of this plugin, thanks to all of you for your ideas, bug reporting and all the time you have been using this plugin.
I'm asking for help in order to be able to pay the bills (this Redmine instance, SVN repository, email server...). If you want to help, it's easy just go to Patreon:

You can choose a $5 reward (thanks Vito for being the first one!) or if you want to go further and pledge the $30 reward & being mentioned in Credits WIKI page.
Thanks & happy Scrumming!
A new plugin release is available in Files tab.
Usability has been improved, now you can share Sprints with child projects (edit Sprint on project settings to enable this new Shared flag).
Take a look to Scrum v0.15.0 for further details on this release changes.
Today (after several months of inactivity) I've release a new major version of the plugin.
Take a look to Scrum v0.14.0 for further details.
A ton of new features, check release notes (Scrum v0.12.0), it works under Redmine 3.0 & 3.1 versions.
New version Scrum v0.11.0 supports Redmine 3 series (only feature).
Please consider to test it deeply before moving on production.
As always let me know in forums if any issue is found.
A tone of new features (& effort), read implemented ones at Scrum v0.10.0.
Go to files folder to download it.
Feedback/donation will be welcomed ;)
Take a look to new version Scrum v0.9.0 release notes.
A lot of pending stuff has been implemented.