To do #1285
Improvment proposal to close pbi when all task are closed
I would to like to propose a solution to the "what to do when all task of a pbi are closed"
Some users, would like to do nothing, other to automaticaly close the pbi and some others would want that the system ask to know what to do.
I added some small change to this amazing plugin that do that.
I added a combobox to the options, to select if the system do nothing, close the pbi with the same status of the last task closed, or ask the user what to do (close, or nothing)
I tried to respect as much the way of the plugin but i know that i missed somethings.
There are locales for en and fr.
Tell me what you think and if thoses changes are interesting or not.
Updated by Bartosz Firyn about 8 years ago
IMO this one is a real value added, for sure. I wanted to implement similar functionality on my own using custom-workflows plugin.