


closed/totals SPs are all 0

Added by Chris e over 2 years ago

We are using scrum 0.20

On the sprint backlog page, at the end of our first sprint the Closed/totals PBIs say 1/2 which is correct, we only finished one of the 2 PBI.

but Closed/Total SPs: 0.0/0.0 and Closed/Total SPs : 0.0

what are we doing wrong? There were 8 tasks total each with SP and estimated hours. We closed 6 of the 8 during the 2 week sprint but the Closed/total SP always stayed at 0.


Replies (1)

RE: closed/totals SPs are all 0 - Added by Chris e over 2 years ago

Figured out my own issue, posting in case somebody else is looking for the answer.

It was a setup problem, the custom field "Story point" was not enable for that particular project.
