Defect #1393
Cannot save plugin settings
For a strange reason with the new version of Redmine, if i try to save some settings, i lost all the plugin settings.
Related issues
Updated by Angelinsky7 Angelinsky7 over 7 years ago
after searching for a while, i found out that was the .to_s in the settings class that was missing...
for a strange reason when i did apply the 0.17 update the change was not applied.
so we can close this false issue.
thanks again
Updated by Jürgen Schreier over 7 years ago
Can you please elaborate more?
I tried to install 0.17.0 on Redmine 3.4.2 and every setting I try to apply is lost after saving.
Redmine version 3.4.2.stable.16952
Ruby version 2.3.3-p222 (2016-11-21) [x86_64-linux]
Rails version 4.2.8
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2
Subversion 1.8.10
Git 2.1.4
Redmine plugins:
recurring_tasks 1.6.0
redmine_checklists 3.1.5
redmine_create_git 0.2.0
redmine_github_hook 2.1.0
redmine_image_clipboard_paste 3.3.0
redmine_timesheet_plugin 0.7.0
reminderemails 0.0.1
scrum 0.17.0
Updated by Angelinsky7 Angelinsky7 over 7 years ago
if you look into the settings files : @line 177
before all the call were :
and now it should be
like in this example :
def self.setting_or_default(setting)
::Setting.plugin_scrum[setting.to_s] || Redmine::Plugin::registered_plugins[:scrum].settings[:default][setting]
def self.setting_or_default_boolean(setting)
setting_or_default(setting) == '1'
def self.setting_or_default_integer(setting, options = {})
value = setting_or_default(setting).to_i
value = options[:min] if options[:min] and value < options[:min]
value = options[:max] if options[:max] and value > options[:max]
def self.collect_ids(setting)
(::Setting.plugin_scrum[setting.to_s] || []).collect{|value| value.to_i}
def self.collect(setting)
(::Setting.plugin_scrum[setting.to_s] || [])
I don't know why in the source code it's like that and not in the zip file but.... you could always change it by yourself (be aware that there is more change to do in that file)
Updated by Jürgen Schreier over 7 years ago
Hello Angelinsky7,
thanks for elaborating this for me.
That actually helped me alot - only problem left here is the story points.
Here using your suggested prodcedere doesn't solve the problem.
I still keep getting this error: “Story points custom field” plugin setting isn't configured, you can configure it in Administration » Plugins » Scrum Redmine plugin
Did you do anything special to get this also working?
best regards
Updated by Angelinsky7 Angelinsky7 over 7 years ago
Jürgen Schreier escribió:
Hello Angelinsky7,
thanks for elaborating this for me.
That actually helped me alot - only problem left here is the story points.
Here using your suggested prodcedere doesn't solve the problem.
I still keep getting this error: “Story points custom field” plugin setting isn't configured, you can configure it in Administration » Plugins » Scrum Redmine pluginDid you do anything special to get this also working?
best regards
did you change that ? @line 66 from latest file
story_points_custom_field_id).each do |setting|
src = <<-END_SRC
def self.#{setting}
class_eval src, __FILE__, __LINE__
Updated by Jürgen Schreier over 7 years ago
Jepp I did this. But unfortunately I made a syntax error:
I used it like this (gave no errors though):
So thanks alot for your support - it works now!
Updated by Jürgen Schreier over 7 years ago
Hello Angelinsky7,
did you happen to see this here:
I would really appreciate your feedback on my question there as well.
Updated by Emilio González Montaña over 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
Duplicated of #1381.
BTW the new version already released fix this problem.
Updated by Emilio González Montaña over 7 years ago
- Is duplicate of Defect #1381: Scrum plugin doesn't work with redmine 3.4.x added