


Defect #1373

Updated by Emilio González Montaña almost 8 years ago


 We configured Scrum plugin pluging yesterday, and we have errors when trying to import massive old trackers. 

 Here is the situation :  
 * - On a new sprint, if we create new issues (no matter the tracker type), we don't have any problem.  
 * - If we massively transfer old issues (on different tracker types) into this sprint, for some of them, the process cannot be completed and a blank blanck page with following error appears (attachment:InternalError.png) appeares (attached file : InternalError.png)  
 * - From this moment, we are unable to add anything into the sprint, leading to the following blocking error (attachment:RedError.png) (attached file RedError.png)  

 We are pretty sure that some issues are blocking the sprint, because if we remove some of them, the sprint works properly again.  

 Are you aware of this problem? Do you have a workaround for it? it ? 
