


Can't move stories in Sprint board

Added by Jeff W almost 10 years ago

Hi here,

It almost spent me two days already. I installed Scrum plugin for my Redmine recently, but doesn't matter what I changed the status for one story, it just fixed on "Priduct backlog items" cell. I have "new", "In progress", "Resolved" and "Closed" for my board. It's supposed can be moved between them either by change status or drag & drop, but it doesn't. I assigned all permissions to the test account already, Backlog board is Ok. Is there any thing I forgot? Any help is appreciated.


Replies (2)

RE: Can't move stories in Sprint board - Added by Jeff W almost 10 years ago

Ok, I figured it out, only a sub task is able to be moved. I'm used to use Jira agile plugin, it kinds like a little bit different...

RE: Can't move stories in Sprint board - Added by Hassan Assalih almost 10 years ago

indeed, this is the case, this is useful as it will give you the chance to distinguish between user stories in the Product Backlog and tasks in the sprint board, happy scrum-ing.
