


Error in database and error 500

Added by Edouard B almost 8 years ago


I have some errors in the database of Redmine and two error 500 with the scrum plugin.
I don't know how to fix my database to repair the scrum plugin.

For now, I cant open the "scrum stat" page and the "configuration" page of the scrum plugin.

I joined the log with the twoo errors :
- ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn't find CustomField with 'id'=9)
- ArgumentError (comparison of Date with nil failed)

Best regards.

Replies (2)

RE: Error in database and error 500 - Added by Emilio González Montaña almost 8 years ago

Check you plugin settings, it could happen that you deleted a custom field that it was configured to be used by the plugin, after removing it plugin fails to work... please confirm scenario (check in your installation if there is custom field with ID 9).

RE: Error in database and error 500 - Added by Edouard B almost 8 years ago

Ok, I fixed the first problem. I added manually a custom filed with the id = 9. I can go to the configuration of the plugin now.

But I have still the problem with the Scrum stat page "ArgumentError (comparison of Date with nil failed)".
