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Activating the 'optional steps'
Added by i wardell over 6 years ago
Im on plugin version: 0.18.0 , and redmine 3.4.6.stable.17531
I am trying to implement:
Create an issue custom boolean value to set that a PBI/task is blocked.
Create an issue custom boolean value to set that a PBI is allowed to be in the Sprint board alone, that means without child tasks.
I have created the following custom fields:
Story Points Integer
Blocked Boolean
PBI Alone Boolean
I set them to the following in the scrum settings:
Story points = story points
Blocked custom = Blocked
Simple PBI custom = PBI Alone
however I cannot have lone PBI's on my board. What am I doing wrong in this configuration?
Replies (1)
RE: Activating the 'optional steps'
Added by i wardell over 6 years ago
Slight update, based on a previous issue I realize that these cannot be moved using the drag and drop method but must be moved via manually changing their status. I also realize this does not allow you to have a parent-less task on the board.
Something I was wondering is if it was possible to have a sprintboard to handle the subtasks of a bug (for example) and another sprint board to handle the bugs/features/support
Essentially a Macro-board and a Micro-board