


Auto fill the Backlog

Added by Richard Geddes almost 10 years ago

Thanks for creating this plugin.

Before I installed the scrum plugin, I had several existing Bug tracker issues.

After I installed and configured the plugin to accept Bug tracker issues into the backlog, I created the backlog for my project, and expected my pre-existing issues to be included in the backlog for the backlog time span.

Instead, I had to edit each Bug issue, and manually add the issue to the backlog.

This could be painful if there are many pre-existing issues.

Is there a way in the configuration to automatically add selected pre-existing issues to the backlog?


Replies (3)

RE: Auto fill the Backlog - Added by Emilio González Montaña almost 10 years ago

It's really simple, just go to issues tab, select all issues you want to move to the PB, right click, press Edit (bulk) and in the bottom you will see Sprint fields (as other fields), select PB (or other Sprint) and save it.

RE: Auto fill the Backlog - Added by Richard Geddes almost 10 years ago

Thanks, learned something new about Redmine.

RE: Auto fill the Backlog - Added by Jürgen Schreier almost 10 years ago

Hello Emilio,

this works fine for me with PBIs. They all show up in the PB
But the issues that I assign to Sprints don't show up in the Sprint Board.

Can you shed some light on what I am doing wrong here?

Best regards from Munich, Germany

