


About pending effort meaning question

Added by an li about 10 years ago

Pending effort = Remaining effort for the task, e.g. if I estimated one task with 8 hours, on Day 1, I spent 4 hours on it, and I think maybe I needs 9 hours in total to finish it, then the pending effort is 5 hours.

I guess it from burn down chart.

So to draw the burn down chart, I needs estimate effort for all tasks in the sprint and pending effort for all tasks in the sprint, the 2 data are enough.

Is my unserstanding right?

But I found there is done effor in scrum, which needs to edit each members effor each day, what is it used for?

Replies (2)

RE: About pending effort meaning question - Added by Emilio González Montaña about 10 years ago

Estimated time is calculated (equaled to the pending effort in that moment) on sprint planning (first day), every day you need to update every in progress task with pending effort and time spent, with 3 data you are able to analyze deviations (positive or negative ones).

The plugin uses only estimated time for the burndown first day, then the rest of the days the pending effort (by day) addition is used instead.

RE: About pending effort meaning question - Added by an li about 10 years ago

Yes, estimated effort=pending effort in the first day, each day I asked developer to update each issue in the sprint board with pending effort and spent time.

and about pending effort, My understanding is correct, right? I regard it as remaining effort.
