


About fix plan-5 defects tested in version 0.7.1 and 0.8

Added by an li about 10 years ago

Will there is a plan of updating the version 0.7.1 and 0.8 to resolve such defects:

Version 0.7.1

#904--sprint board task move does not be restricted by redmine default issue flow
#903--start date and due date are shown as list or blank, I added more test picture to explain this defect
#900--Calendar does not display for scrum 0.7.1 & 0.7.0--500 internal error, calendar is redmine default module, not a plug-in

Version 0.8

#902---Created user story not display in sprint board and product backlog
#901---Product backlog has repeated buttons for creating user story

User story #925: Burn down chart data can be filtered by redmine fields---We really have 1 project, but they are working in 2 cities, like 2 teams, is there chance to have redmine field filter of burndown chart, to get 2 teams burndown chart? If it is not supported to implement, it is OK, I just explain more about this feature request.

Really thanks for the plug-in, we are moving to agile using this plug-in.


Replies (2)

RE: About fix plan-5 defects tested in version 0.7.1 and 0.8 - Added by an li about 10 years ago

By the way, I found some bugs in scrum v0.8

#902---Created user story not display in sprint board and product backlog
#901---Product backlog has repeated buttons for creating user story

Are they fixed in scrum 0.9.1?
