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Sprint Settings missing
Added by Dor Yosef over 9 years ago
Hi all,
Me and my team start to use Redmine and we love it !
I installed this awesome plugin and start to use it unfortunately i can't see the settings of sprint (picture).
For now we using work around and insert our data directly to DB table redmine.sprints
Redmine details
Redmine version 3.0.3.stable
Ruby version 2.1.2-p95 (2014-05-08) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
Rails version 4.2.1
Environment development
Database adapter Mysql2
Subversion 1.8.10
Git 2.1.4
Redmine plugins:
redmine_bootstrap_kit 0.2.3
redmine_create_git 0.1.0
redmine_jenkins 1.0.1
scrum 0.11.1
Please help us figure out what we did wrong ?
Thanks for this awesome plugin,
Replies (8)
Added by Hans de Haan over 9 years ago
Open the tab modules.
In the list you will find the module Scrum
Select this item.
Save it and you will find the tab Sprints
RE: Sprint Settings missing
Added by Dor Yosef over 9 years ago
Hi Hans,
Thanks for answering.
scrum is selected in modules and still in settings i cant see sprint option
RE: Sprint Settings missing
Added by Emilio González Montaña over 9 years ago
Review Redmine permissions.
RE: Sprint Settings missing
Added by Dor Yosef over 9 years ago
Hi Emilio,
I login as admin,
All permissions should be open.
RE: Sprint Settings missing
Added by Fredrik Ahlbäck over 9 years ago
We are having exactly the same issue (seems to relate to #1013)
Running Redmine 3.0.1 with Scrum plugin 0.12.0.
Permissions all ok, (all checked).
And module enabled.
Thing is they where there before but last couple days they diapered.
Tried to disable/enable the module, checked permissions, checked the logs and so far i cant see any reason for it.
This is starting to become an blocker for us, since we cant add new sprints.
Any workarounds or fixes would be appreciated
RE: Sprint Settings missing
Added by Dor Yosef over 9 years ago
Hi Fredrik,
"For now we using work around and insert our data directly to DB table redmine.sprints"
You able to insert new spring directly to the DB.
RE: Sprint Settings missing
Added by Fredrik Ahlbäck over 9 years ago
After a bit investigation, it looks like the problem is that redmine only supports one plugin to add tabs to the setting tab(updated #1013 with more info).
What we ended up in doing was adding an "new sprint" button to the normal sprint page by adding to:
<redmine folder>/plugins/scrum/app/views/common/_scrum_sprint_menu.html.erb:
<%= link_to("", new_project_sprint_path(@project, :back_url => ""), :class => "icon icon-edit", :title => l(:label_sprint_new)) %>
so the file look like this:
<redmine folder>/plugins/scrum/app/views/common/_scrum_sprint_menu.html.erb:
<div class="contextual scrum-menu"> <%- if User.current.allowed_to?(:view_sprint_board, @project) -%> <%= link_to(l(:label_sprint_board), @sprint ? sprint_path(@sprint) : project_sprints_path(@project), :class => "icon icon-sprint-board") %> <%- end -%> <%- if User.current.allowed_to?(:view_sprint_burndown, @project) -%> <%= link_to(l(:label_sprint_burndown_chart), @sprint ? burndown_sprint_path(@sprint) : burndown_index_project_sprints_path(@project), :class => "icon icon-burndown") %> <%- end -%> <%- if User.current.allowed_to?(:view_sprint_stats, @project) -%> <%= link_to(l(:label_sprint_stats), @sprint ? stats_sprint_path(@sprint) : stats_index_project_sprints_path(@project), :class => "icon icon-stats") %> <%- end -%> <%- if User.current.allowed_to?(:manage_sprints, @project) and @sprint -%> <%= link_to("", edit_sprint_path(@sprint, :back_url => url_for(params)), :class => "icon icon-edit", :title => l(:button_edit)) %> <%= link_to("", edit_effort_sprint_path(@sprint, :back_url => url_for(params)), :class => "icon icon-time-add", :title => l(:label_edit_effort)) %> <%= link_to("", new_project_sprint_path(@project, :back_url => ""), :class => "icon icon-edit", :title => l(:label_sprint_new)) %> <%- end -%> </div>
No restart of redmine required, it should work directly.
It will add the same button as for edit sprint to the end of the row of buttons, so it is maybe not the most beautiful workaround, but we think its ok until it can be fixed in an official release.
RE: Sprint Settings missing
Added by Dor Yosef over 9 years ago
It worked!
I didn't saw "_scrum_sprint_menu.html.erb" so i cahnged "_scrum_menu.html.erb".
Just added at the end before the close tag of div
<%- if User.current.allowed_to?(:manage_sprints, @project) and @sprint -%> <%= link_to("", edit_sprint_path(@sprint, :back_url => url_for(params)), :class => "icon icon-edit", :title => l(:button_edit)) %> <%= link_to("", edit_effort_sprint_path(@sprint, :back_url => url_for(params)), :class => "icon icon-time-add", :title => l(:label_edit_effort)) %> <%= link_to("", new_project_sprint_path(@project, :back_url => ""), :class => "icon icon-edit", :title => l(:label_sprint_new)) %> <%- end -%>
And now i can add/edit sprints.
Restart was required (didn't saw the new buttons before), maybe i have older version of the plugin