


No product backlog and no sprint board displayed

Added by Sun Sawe over 9 years ago

Hello everyone,
I am trying to get this awesome looking module to work and I'm having some issues unfortunately.
Basically, the product backlog view is void and so is the spring board. I have created 6 features and 1 issue, all assigned to a sprint and yet,
no colored stickers, no drag and drop.
This is the view when I click on backlog:
Backlog View
As well, this message appears in the "Scrum plugin tips" sidebar: "Product backlog without PBIs, you can add them in Backlog » Product backlog"

This is the view for the sprint:
Sprint View
this message appears in the "Scrum plugin tips" sidebar: "Sprint without tasks, you can add them in Sprint » Sprint board"

The features are already assigned to this sprint, it is visible in the issues view. The links provided just reload the respective pages.
Both previous messages will disappear while I navigate to other tabs.

Last thing, in the "Scrum plugin tips" sidebar, I have this message permanently displayed:
" “Story points custom field” plugin setting isn't configured, you can configure it in Administration » Plugins » Scrum Redmine plugin "
But when clicked, it gets me to the settings page which as no available values for "Story points custom field:" and "Blocked custom field:".
Story Points

Can someone guide me on how to fix this?

Selection_002.jpg (9.12 KB) Selection_002.jpg Backlog View
Selection_003.jpg (11.2 KB) Selection_003.jpg Sprint View
Selection_006.jpg (7.15 KB) Selection_006.jpg Story Points

Replies (9)

RE: No product backlog and no sprint board displayed - Added by Sun Sawe over 9 years ago

Nevermind, It seems that I had misunderstood the settings and I found how to get an appropriate display for the backlog and sprint board.
However, I still don't have any values available for story points nor am I proposed to assign such values to feature, bug or support.
Should I create another "Story" type?

RE: No product backlog and no sprint board displayed - Added by feibo liu about 9 years ago

I have the same problem,can you guide me to solve it

RE: No product backlog and no sprint board displayed - Added by Mikhail Brendt Cordial over 8 years ago

Hi Sun,
I have the same problem just like you, I tried checking out some of the codes and tutorials and was able to solve one. let me share how I solve the problem for the story points and Blocked custom field that has null value.

I fixed it by adding custom field for Story points and Blocked custom field
Go to Administration > Custom fields > New Custom Field and selecting Issues for the type of object. For Story points Integer should be the format and for Blocked it must be a boolean format

RE: No product backlog and no sprint board displayed - Added by Mikhail Brendt Cordial over 8 years ago

Hope someone who already configured this plugin can also help us on this by sharing some guides, thank you in advance :)

RE: No product backlog and no sprint board displayed - Added by Fabio Negrini over 8 years ago

Hi everyone,

This behavior is actually not a problem, but a feature of sprint board. You just need to perform some steps before your project get ready to use the plugin. I'll enumerate the steps I made to "fix" this issue:

1. You need to have an specific Tracker for a product backlog issue, so go to Administration >> Trackers and create a new Tracker called "Product Backlog" and associate it to your project.
2. Now, go to plugin configuration and set:
2.1 - Product Backlog Items to: only "Product Backlog" created on step 1
2.2 - Tasks - all the other tracker
2.3 - In Sprint Board/Task statuses for Sprint board set the status you want to show in your sprint board.
2.4 - Do the same for Sprint Board/PBI statuses for Product backlog & Sprint. I have used the same status of 2.3
3. Click aplly and go to your tasks.
4. You should create tasks for your product backlog, these one will compose the "Product Backlog" column in your sprint board. Don't forget set the sprint column!
5. Now, create tasks for your activities and set the parent task as one of the "Product Backlog" tasks. The scrum board needs a parent to show the tasks correctly, that's the reason your tasks does'nt appear: They need a parent task to compose the horizontal layout.


Fabio Negrini

RE: No product backlog and no sprint board displayed - Added by Emilio González Montaña about 8 years ago

Hi all,

Fabio, your info is not 100% correct...

Take care of this:
  • For PBIs(Product Backlog Items) you need to create a tracker per type of PBI in your workflow (typically User story, Bug, Technical debt), your proposal of tracker name (Product Backlog) has no sense for me.
  • Tasks must have trackers also (typically only one tracker is needed, i.e. 'Task', but if your workflow requires other stuff it's OK to define several).
  • Best way to create PBIs & tasks is in the Product Backlog view (for PBIs) or in the Sprint board (for PBIs & tasks), on this way Sprint assignation & parent issues are automatically managed by the plugin. You always are allowed to created in the regular Redmine's way, but it's no so nice :)

RE: No product backlog and no sprint board displayed - Added by Hariz Faza over 7 years ago

Hi Emilio González Montaña,

could you please elaborate more about the Plugins Configuration?
as i confused with the basic documentation for making this plugin works.
in backlog tab, i dont have the button to add PBI.

RE: No product backlog and no sprint board displayed - Added by Emilio González Montaña over 7 years ago

New version (just released) includes a lot of help dialogs.
