


Filter by assignee only showing "any"

Added by Stefan Pokorny about 5 years ago

Hello @all,

I really like the scrum plugin despite some minor bugs (like drag and drop not working sometimes, etc.).

But I would be glad if someone could help me fixing this bug in my installation:
In every sprint, the "Filter by assignee" only shows "any". Can someone help me figuring out, why this happens?

Thank you very much,


Replies (6)

RE: Filter by assignee only showing "any" - Added by Emilio González Montaña about 5 years ago

Hi Stefan,

Maybe you missed to define members in project settings.

Kind regards.

RE: Filter by assignee only showing "any" - Added by Stefan Pokorny about 5 years ago

Hi Emilio,

the project has a lot of members and I can assign the PBIs and the subtasks to them. If there is no special place where I need to add the members to the scrum plugin, I can't see anything wrong here.

Maybe you have some other ideas?



RE: Filter by assignee only showing "any" - Added by Emilio González Montaña about 5 years ago

Hi, is there anything strange in the server logs? Is the Sprint defined in the same project than the project members (shared Sprints)?

RE: Filter by assignee only showing "any" - Added by Stefan Pokorny about 5 years ago

I cannot see anything strange in the logs. I have one project with shared sprints, which is a root project with no parents. I now took another project (root as well), set it to not shared and I only see "any" in the filter, too.

RE: Filter by assignee only showing "any" - Added by Alexey Ivakin over 3 years ago

We have the same problem.

It makes using big sprint board unbearable.

Any ideas why this is happening?
