


Sprints panel is not displayed on my project setting page

Added by Ruibo WANG almost 10 years ago

Hi all,

I use redmine 2.5.0 stable, and I installed scrum 0.7.0 in redmine.

when I selected scrum model, I cannot get sprints panel to add backlogs.

What's happened!

Thanks for all replys.

Replies (7)

RE: Sprints panel is not displayed on my project setting page - Added by Emilio González Montaña almost 10 years ago

Hi Ruibo,

Is the Scrum module enabled in the project settings first tab? This plugin should be enabled in each project.

RE: Sprints panel is not displayed on my project setting page - Added by Hegedüs Péter almost 10 years ago

Hi Emilio,

The same happened in our redmine 2.5.2 too.

I checked in the Scrum modul 0.6.1 and 0.7.0, but there is no Scrum panel.

RE: Sprints panel is not displayed on my project setting page - Added by Emilio González Montaña almost 10 years ago

Did you enable Scrum permissions on the permission admin section?

RE: Sprints panel is not displayed on my project setting page - Added by Hegedüs Péter almost 10 years ago

Yes, i enabled all permission to the 'Projekt adminisztrátor' role, but nothing.

I attached some screenshot.

RE: Sprints panel is not displayed on my project setting page - Added by Francisco Bischoff almost 10 years ago

Same here!

Redmine 2.4.2.stable

Scrum tab says: 500 "There are none Sprints defined yet, please ask this project administrator to create them in settings tab."

At Settings tab, cannot find anywhere to create a sprint.

Error log:

Started GET "/projects/myproject/sprints" for at 2014-09-02 20:34:15 +0100
Processing by SprintsController#index as HTML
  Parameters: {"project_id"=>"myproject"}
  Current user: franz (id=5)
  Rendered common/error.html.erb within layouts/base (0.1ms)
  Rendered inline template (0.5ms)
  Rendered plugins/scrum/app/views/scrum_hooks/_head.html.erb (0.7ms)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 30.6ms (Views: 23.8ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)

RE: Sprints panel is not displayed on my project setting page - Added by langdead yang almost 10 years ago

Hi Emilio,

I came up with the same problem as Ruibo, my redmine version is 2.5.2-2.

scrum module is activated for my project, all permission is assigned to the role.

Just no sprint panel...

