


Scrum Sprint board problems

Added by Christof Leuenberger about 10 years ago

Hi folks

I am trying out the Scrum plugin (thanks Emilio!) and can't seem to get the Sprint board to work properly.
My plugin settings:

Task statuses for Sprint board: In progress, resolved
PBI statuses for Product Backlog & Sprint board: New

(does this make sense?)

This gives me a table with 3 cols on my Sprint board: Product backlog items, In Progress, Resolved.
In the Product backlog items col all the tasks with status "new" are listed for the current sprint. So far so good.
However, when I edit one of the tasks and change it's status to "In Progress", it vanishes from the board. Same deal when I change it to "Resolved".

The expected behavior (imo) is that the task should then show up in the column "In Progress", as seen here:

Other questions:
  • On this page tasks #891 and #892 show up next to each other. Why is this?
  • How is the priority of a PBI determined? Top of the list = most important?
  • What is the "Pending effort" in the Burndown charts and tasks?

Thanks for any help!

Replies (2)

RE: Scrum Sprint board problems - Added by Emilio González Montaña about 10 years ago

Your answers:
  • You should include New status for tasks in Sprint board in plugins settings.
  • There is no position in Sprint board, between PBIs (vertical) or even tasks (horizontal). Maybe in the future (see #739).
  • Pending effort allows to calculate the burndown, see forum message About pending effort meaning question.

RE: Scrum Sprint board problems - Added by Christof Leuenberger about 10 years ago

Thanks Emilio

I included "New" tasks in the Sprint board but still no tasks are showing up except PBIs.
Of my current sprint, all tasks are resolved. Before we worked on them, they were in the PBI column. As soon as they were "In Progress" or "Resolved", they disappeared from the Sprint board.
Any idea why this could be?
